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Messaging Settings

The Messaging Settings let you customize how messages are going to be displayed all across your HMI.


List Page

Define which page inside your HMI will be responsible for displaying your messages. This page should be a Message Page.

Display Options

Let you decide how HELIO should present incoming messages to your operators.

Display only in list will add incoming messages to the Active Messages and update the Number of Active Messages.

Display in list and as Dialog will additionally display the incoming messages as a modal dialog that prompts operators to pause their current task.

On info

Choose how a new message with the Information level should be displayed.

On warning

Choose how a new message with the Warning level should be displayed.

On error

Choose how a new message with the Error level should be displayed.

How can I view these message lists?

Simply add the Message Page to your HMI.

Message Acknowledgement

On acknowledge

This event gets triggered whenever am operator acknowledges a message. Use it to execute actions that inform your PLC about this fact. This is useful for example if you need to reset a trigger condition for particular messages.