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Use a Condition to solve more complex rules by comparing the two values (the Left Operand and the Right Operand).

For example you might display a helpful hint when a Data Variable (Dynamic Property) false below a certain threshold.


  1. Left Operand
    This is the value you want to compare. It is a Dynamic Property, so feel free to compare any type you like. In most of the cases you'll probably use a Data Variable (Dynamic Property).

  2. Comparison Operator
    Describes how the two values will be compared. This will adjust to the type of the variables you compare. In this example we're seeing operators to compare numerical values (less than, less then or equal, …).

  3. Right Operand
    This is the value with which you want to make a comparison. And yes, it is also a Dynamic Property, so let your imagination run wild.

  4. When: True
    If the comparison turns out to be truthy this value will be used as the actual value. By default, the value is true. However, as this property is dynamic, you can use any type you prefer, such as a Data Variable (Dynamic Property) or a Localizable Text.

  5. When: False
    If the comparison turns out to be falsy this value will be used as the actual value. By default, the value is false. Again, you can also use any Dynamic Property that works for you.


Reacting to a Specific Language

In this example the Language Information type has been chosen as the Left Operand. Since it returns a String the Comparison Operator switched to operators that work with text content.

The condition is applied to the Display Condition which means that we should make sure to set it to a boolean value. In such a situation can simply apply the default values for the falsy and truthy case.