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Parameter Page

Purpose: Enable operators to adjust and change machine parameters, offer structure and guidance when the list of parameters grows large. Assist by clarifying the effects and context of parameter settings.


A Parameter Page is designed to display elements that can modify various Parameters of a machine. Unlike pages that only display data, this page is interactive and allows for data input. If the parameters exceed the screen's capacity, a scrollbar will appear.


  1. Title and Icon

  2. Parameter

    1. Label

    2. Input

Page Properties



Will be displayed in the navigation and the page header.

Page reference

This optional property lets you define unique short code that is human readable and helps to refer to that page without specifying its actual name. This is helpful especially in multilingual environments because

  • It helps your Support-Team to quickly navigate users.
  • It can be picked up by the product manual and documentation.
Example reference in main navigation
Example reference in the page title


This icon will be displayed in the main navigation, the page header, and inside an embedded navigation of a Page Group.

Main Navigation

Show/Hide Page

Each page is automatically displayed in the main navigation. If you do not want the page to be visible in the main navigation, select `Hide page`. The page will remain reachable and can be opened as an overlay or navigated to directly.
Page Section Conditions

Page header

The Page's Header will be displayed by default. Select this option to choose to hide the Page header generally or set conditions for when you want to hide it, for instance on smaller displays.
Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.

Specific Properties

Parameter Groups

Preferred Columns

Choose how many columns of Parameter Groups you want on this Parameter Page.


On Change

Choose whether to write the changes directly to PLC or to buffer the changes and write to PLC with a specified action.

  • Apply Immediately: Changes will be immediately written to the PLC without requiring an explicit confirmation step.
  • Confirm With Action: Changes will be buffered within the current page. Use buttons to explicitly save or discard any current changes.


Choose whether Parameters should be oriented horizontally or vertically.

Side Panel


Size that will be applied to the side panel content.


Side Panel

Add things like Images, Flow Maps, etc. into the Visualization slot. It'll help operators get a better picture of what's going on. These visuals will be displayed right next to the page content.

With Trend
With Data List
With Flow Map


This is the slot for the main content of this page. Here, you'll add the parameters, organize them into groups to make a hierarchy, and provide more information using markdown.


Allows you to add action buttons to the footer, which will always be visible at the bottom of the page. Use this feature for significant actions that can be triggered on this page. It's perfect for the most important actions you can execute on a page.

Bear in mind that the footer does take up a bit of vertical screen space, something to think about if you're creating HMIs mostly for smaller screen sizes.