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Message Page

Purpose: Show operators the list of active and archived messages and let them view the details of each message.


The Message Page displays the list of active messages as well as the archived messages. Using the Button Group in the header of the page, operators can easily switch between these two collections.

Active Messages

Will display the Active Messages collection and provide controls to filter them by type and date.

Archived Messages

Will display the Message Archive collection and and provide controls to filter them by type and date.

Message Detail

When operators click one of the messages, they will be taken to the details of that message.

Page Properties



Will be displayed in the navigation and the page header.

Page reference

This optional property lets you define unique short code that is human readable and helps to refer to that page without specifying its actual name. This is helpful especially in multilingual environments because

  • It helps your Support-Team to quickly navigate users.
  • It can be picked up by the product manual and documentation.
Example reference in main navigation
Example reference in the page title


This icon will be displayed in the main navigation, the page header, and inside an embedded navigation of a Page Group.

Main Navigation

Show/Hide Page

Each page is automatically displayed in the main navigation. If you do not want the page to be visible in the main navigation, select `Hide page`. The page will remain reachable and can be opened as an overlay or navigated to directly.
Page Section Conditions

Page header

The Page's Header will be displayed by default. Select this option to choose to hide the Page header generally or set conditions for when you want to hide it, for instance on smaller displays.
Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.

Specific Properties

Default View

Select which view to display by default: active or archived messages.