»In HELIO, a page refers to a specific screen in your HMI. Every page type in HELIO serves a particular purpose.«
Dashboard Page
Purpose: Make it simple to check the machine's performance, even from far away. Help users make choices based on how it's working now.
Parameter Page
Purpose: Enable operators to adjust and change machine parameters, offer structure and guidance when the list of parameters grows large. Assist by clarifying the effects and context of parameter settings.
Collection Page
Purpose: Streamline access to a large list of items and enable their editing.
Embedded Webview Page
Purpose: Enable the embedding of either custom or third-party web applications.
Flow Map Page
Purpose: To give operators an orientation and overview by presenting visual maps that illustrate the flows within a machine or process.
User Management Page
Purpose: Allow operators and administrators to modify and manage their own user base within their facility.
Image Page
Purpose: Enable operators to view an Image and use previously set markers to view details or execute specified actions.
Page Group
Purpose: To create a hierarchy of pages if there are a lot of them, and to group together pages that are related.
Tap Group
Purpose: To group related pages together and easily switch between them.
Message Page
Purpose: Show operators the list of active and archived messages and let them view the details of each message.
Recipe Management Page
Purpose: Allow users to save and load recipes within the HMI.