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Flow Map Module


The Flow Map Module is a component of the Flow Map Page. They can be positioned by setting their x and y coordinates. You can establish connections between modules by defining one or more outlets for a module that can be linked to other modules on the page.


  1. Module

  2. Label

  3. Info

  4. Outlet




Choose the headline that will be displayed on top of the module.

Example Module with Label “Module 1”


Choose the line that will be displayed at the bottom of the module. It can also be used to highlight the most important value that a module provides.

Example Module with Info

Is Blinking

In order to draw the attention of operators to a specific module you can set this value to true an make the module display a subtle animation.

Example Blinking Module

On click

Choose the action that is triggered once the user has clicked or touched and then released the pointer over the Module.


Use the arrow buttons or the X and Y settings to position each module.


Icon / Image

Choose wether you want to display an Icon or an Image on this module.

Example Module with Icon
Example Module with Image

Apply Status

From Value with Ranges

If the displayed value includes a status, you can use the "Apply Status From Value with Ranges" option to visually indicate the value’s status as either "Good", "Warning", "Critical" or "Accent".


Determine manually which status should be displayed by the element.

Module With Status `Ok` Applied


What is an outlet?

With outlets, you can define connections between your modules. You can have none, one, or multiple outlets. However, it is important to note that having more than 3 outlets will make your Flow Map a complex visualization that is difficult to understand.


You can also assign a status to each outlet to highlight specific connections for the operators' attention.

Example Modules with Outlet Status

Is Active

Finally, you can set an outlet to Is active to indicate progress or activity.

Example Modules with Active Outlet

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.
