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Embedded Webview


Integrates third party web applications into HELIO. It basically renders an iframe that you can point to a URL of another web application running on your target device or inside somewhere inside your corporate network.

The element will adapt its size to its parent container and resize the iFrame element accordingly.

Only Embed Content From Trusted Sources!

Embedding code created by a third party always comes with security risks, which can open doors for attackers. While iFrames can now be sandboxed quite effectively, it is still important to ensure that you trust the source of the web application you are about to embed.

Make Sure Embedding Is Allowed

In order to be able to embed a page from another domain or host, you need to ensure that the page has set its Content-Security-Policy to allow embedding using the HTML meta tag or HTTP headers.

Element Properties

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.

Specific Properties



Same Host
Relative URL without the hostname that points to the same host.

Different Host
Absolute URL that includes the hostname. Use it to navigate to web-apps running on different hosts.