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Dropdown Cell


Dropdown Cells are a special kind of Header Cells. They provide operators with a list of options to choose from.

To enable the dropdown function of this cell, the linked data variable must have the Enumerations property set.




Choose whether to display only text, only an icon, or both within the Dropdown Cell.


Select the title of the Dropdown Cell. This text will be more prominent and should contain the most important information.


Choose the Icon to display within the Dropdown Cell.


Choose the Enum Value to display within the Dropdown Cell.

Is Disabled

Prevent operators from triggering the action of this Dropdown Cell.

Apply Status

From Value with Ranges

If the displayed value includes a status, you can use the "Apply Status From Value with Ranges" option to visually indicate the value’s status as either "Good", "Warning", "Critical" or "Accent".


Determine manually which status should be displayed by the element.



Select the width of the Dropdown Cell or choose wether you want the Dropdown Cell to shrink according to it’s content.

Responsive Behavior

Keep visible as long as possible

This option is mostly important for smaller displays where the element may need to shrink. Check this option for the most important children. They will then be kept withing the visible viewport as long as possible.

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.
