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Machine Control Selector


Use the Machine Control Selector to quickly switch between different modes of a machine.




Text that will be displayed on the Machine Control Selector.


The current value that should get updated when an operator switches the input, usually this will be bound to a Data Variable in order to provide the options.

Is disabled

Prevent operators from triggering the action of this Machine Control Selector.


By default, the width of the element will be set to auto, which means it will match the width of its widest option.

In some cases, you may want to provide a specific width for the element. To do this, apply a width specified in device-independent CSS pixels. For more information, see Why does HELIO use the "px" unit?.

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.