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Machine Control


Machine controls are crucial for the proper functioning of any machine. They are the most important functions that a machine can perform and should be easily accessible on all screens.

In most cases they should only be accessible on the machine panel itself. And the often do require an additional hardware button for confirmation.

Examples include starting and stopping the machine, as well as changing the mode of operation.




Text that will be displayed on the Machine Control.

Is checked

Decide whether the Machine Control should be checked or determine specific cases for when it should be.

Is blinking

Decide whether the Machine Control should be blinking or determine specific cases for when it should be.

Is disabled

Prevent operators from triggering the action of this Machine Control.

On click

Triggered when the user clicks or touches and releases the pointer over the Machine Control.



Icon that will be displayed on the Machine Control.

In Front
Icon Only

Apply Status

From Value with Ranges

If the displayed value includes a status, you can use the "Apply Status From Value with Ranges" option to visually indicate the value’s status as either "Good", "Warning", "Critical" or "Accent".


Determine manually which status should be displayed by the element.

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.