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Magic Output


Examples of Magic Outputs linked to different types of variables.

The Magic Output simplifies the process of creating HMIs that display data defined by data sources, such as a PLC Connection.

The element automatically adjusts to the type of data being linked. For instance, suppose a linked Data Variable from your PLC is a Boolean. In that case, the Magic Output will adjust itself to a status indicator with an icon and a descriptive status label.




Provides context and information to operators, guiding them and helping them understand the value of this particular element. A good label instills confidence in operators when making adjustments.


This icon will be displayed next to the element's label on pages that support it, like the Dashboard Page. An Element can make use of the icon to...
  • provide more meaning
  • and improve recognition.


The current value that should be displayed on the element, usually this will be bound to a Data Variable.



Will be displayed underneath the element. This description helps to provide additional guidance or instructions to operators when manipulating the input. It's an opportunity to provide more detailed context regarding the potential impact of changes, or further instructions on the desired input format.

Apply Status

From Value with Ranges

If the displayed value includes a status, you can use the "Apply Status From Value with Ranges" option to visually indicate the value’s status as either "Good", "Warning", "Critical" or "Accent".


Determine manually which status should be displayed by the element.


To indicate whether one output is more important than the others, you can highlight it. This changes the background color of the output to make it stand out.


Choose when the output should be highlighted.

And status is

If the displayed output has a status, you can choose to highlight the output at a specific status. This is useful, for instance, to make the output stand out when a value is critical.

Display Condition


Determines whether an element or page should be visible or hidden to the current user. The condition can be set to different types of Dynamic Property – as long as the the type returns true or false you're good to go.

Maximum Character Count

Wondering how HELIO determines the font size for the output?

Its primary goal is to ensure that even large numbers are readable. Its layout algorithm follows two steps:

  1. Determine the maximum character count by examining all the metadata of the variable, such as Maximum.
  2. Calculate the font size based on the available width for the longest possible number.

The first step is usually accurate for numerical variables with good metadata. However, it becomes more challenging for String variables without knowledge about the data's domain.

In these cases, you might know best about how long a number or text will actually be. Use this option to override the first step. It ensures that a number or text with the specified character count will always be displayed.
