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Define And Save Recipes

Now that we've got the variables for our recipes, we need to tell HELIO that these variables make up a recipe type.

1. Define a Recipe Type

  1. Add a Recipe Type

Navigate to the Recipes View and…

  • Click the Add button next to the Recipe Types header on the left.
  • Name the recipe type Product Recipe.
  1. Add Parameters

Next, we need to add the parameters we want our recipe type to contain.

  • Click the Add button next to the Parameters header on the right.
  • Choose the Boolean variable and the Integer > WithEnumeration variable.
  1. Set Permissions

We need to allow read, write, and load operations for our recipe type so that operators can use them. In the following example, all these permissions are set to Allow everyone.

2. Save Your First Recipe

Next, we'll save a first recipe of our new type. We will create a Parameter Page with all the values of our recipe type and a Save as Recipe Action button so that we can actually create different recipes with different settings quickly.

In a real world scenario, the parameters of a recipe type might actually be scattered all over your HMI and you may want to add a Save as Recipe Action button to your header or footer.

  1. Add a Parameter Page

Navigate to the Content View and…

  1. Save A Recipe

Use the HMI Preview Panel and switch to Test mode in order to…

  • set any values you like for the recipe parameters and click the Save as Recipe button.
  • enter a name for the recipe, for example "Recipe 1" and save.
  1. Save Another One

Hey, could you save another recipe with different values? That'll help us compare our first recipe to something else.

Mission accomplished!

We've got some reusable recipes saved for later, and we'll learn how to load them next.