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Define An Info Message

Finally, let's talk about the Info level and create a sample Message Type for it. These messages are sent to operators to make things transparent and known. They do not require immediate action, but are for information purposes only.

In this step, we're going to define an example message that informs operators about a successful software update.

  1. Add New Message Type

Choose the Add Type within the Message Types View view and

  1. Choose a Unique Code

We'll use INFO-1 as the code for now:

  1. Choose the Right Level

Choose Info as the Level of the new message.

  1. Choose a Descriptive Title

Define the Title that will be displayed in the message dialog. Make sure you're choosing unique translation keys and provide translations for each language of your project.

  1. Provide a Clear Description

Add your Description of the error:

  • Describe the error as clearly as possible
  • But also describe it as briefly as possible, using as few empty words as practical.

Solution Is Optional

We've created message types before — remember the Error and Warn? And for these we've added a Solution. But in this case, we don't need to provide one since this is message is just an information that doesn't need to be resolved.

Mission accomplished!

Great, we've got sample Message Types set up for each Level. Let's go ahead and actually trigger them.