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Define An Error Message

Error Messages are the most crucial messages displayed by your HMI, as they assist operators in troubleshooting issues as they happen.

So let's start by defining our first one.

  1. Add New Message Type

Switch to the Message Types View view and choose the Add Type action and you'll be asked to input the message's unique code.

  1. Choose a Unique Code

First, pick a unique message code to indicate your error. Each team will need to figure out what form these codes will take. Also, your organization might have a long history of message codes, so stick with that if you want to provide consistent error information across your product range.

We'll use ERROR-1 as the code for now:

  1. Choose the Right Level

Choose Error as the Level of the new message.

  1. Choose a Descriptive Title

Define the Title that will be displayed in the message dialog. Make sure you're choosing unique translation keys and provide translations for each language of your project.

  1. Provide a Clear Description

Add your Description of the error:

  • Describe the error as clearly as possible
  • But also describe it as briefly as possible, using as few empty words as practical.
  1. Offer a Structured Solution

Add your Solution:

  • Clear, step-by-step instructions are key to solving the error.
  • Solutions should be organized from most to least likely to cause error.

Check Your Result

Your newly defined error message should now look something like this:

Mission accomplished!

Wonderful, we've got our first Message Type setup. Let's move on to the next message level: Warn.