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Define Placeholders for Lists

  1. Create a list
  1. Locate the HMI Data Explorer in the Data View and right click the Data folder.
  2. Choose Add List > List of Objects.

  1. Activate placeholders
  1. Activate the Placeholder property of the list.
  2. Set the Item count to the desired amount of items you’d like to simulate.
  1. Define the blueprint for list items

Define the shape of the items in this collection like by defining its Item Blueprint.

Add variables and choose appropriate types for your use case:

  1. Define Placeholders for each item in the blueprint
  1. Select a property of the Item Blueprint.
  2. Active the Placeholder for this property.
  3. Add one ore multiple placeholders.
  1. Use it in your HMI

Switch to the Content View and activate Placeholder Mode. If you haven’t done so already, link your list to a collection page now.

Mission accomplished!

Your list will now contain simulated items using the placeholders you just defined! 🎉