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Restrict Access to Elements

In the previous step, you learned how to Restrict Access to Pages. Now, we will take a more granular approach and restrict access to specific page elements.

  1. Add machine controls to your HMI

Open the Content View and add Machine Controls to Footer slot of your HMI:

  1. Limit access

Often important actions like these are restricted to experiences users. So let's use the Display Condition of the Machine Controls element to make show it when users with Administrator roles are signed into the HMI.

Activate the option and choose Check Role as the type of the Condition property.

  1. Test the restrictions

Seems like we're ready to give our HMI another test drive. Switch to the Test mode and sign in as Operator and Administrator and see how the element reacts:

Mission accomplished!
  • Now as a final lesson we'll have a quick look at how you can empower your customers to manage their users from withing the HMI…