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3. Set up a Parameter Page

Great work so far! You have created your first Dashboard page. Now let's keep working on your HMI. In this step we will be adding a Parameter Page where you will be able to view and edit your HMI's parameters.

3.1 Create a »Vacuum Parameters« Page

  1. Add a new page

Select the Pages slot in the HMI Content Tree and click the Add button to bring up the Add Element dialog:

  1. Choose page type

Choose Parameter Page from this list to add a new page to your HMI.

  1. Rename page

Since we want to edit some vacuum parameters on this page, rename the page to “Vacuum Parameters”. You can either do that in the content tree or within the General section in the page's Properties Panel.

  1. Challenge

Goal: Change the page's icon

We would like to use a more fitting icon for this page.

So try and set the page's icon to the “Vacuum” icon!

3.2 Add Your First Parameter

Let's add some parameters our operators need to be able to edit.

  1. Add a parameter

Within the content tree, navigate to the Parameters section of your Parameter Page and click the Add button. For now we just want do add a single Parameter to our page, so choose the Parameter Element from the Add Element dialog.

  1. Rename the parameter

Rename your parameter to “Pre Delay”.

  1. Add an input to the parameter

Our operators need to be able to edit the “Pre Delay” variable using a numeric stepper. So click the Add button next to your parameter and choose the Numeric Stepper Element from the Add Element dialog.

  1. Challenge

Goal: Add another input to your parameter

Our operators also should be able to edit another variable. It is called “PreDelayActive” and is located right next to our “PreDelay” Data Variable.

Add another Input Element and connect the “PreDelayActive” Data Variable to it!

3.3 Add Your First Parameter Group

Create The Group

Sometimes multiple parameters will need to be grouped together. For example some details regarding our Pre Delay parameter.

  1. Add a parameter group and name it

Within the content tree, click the Add button next to the Parameters section of parameter page and choose the Parameter Group element.

Rename the group to “Details”.

  1. Add a parameter to the group

Add a “Time” parameter to the group. Within this new “Time” parameter add another input element to enable our operators to edit the Quickstart > Moulding > Vacuum > Time Data Variable.

Note: Don't remember how to do all that? No problem at all. Just repeat what you did for the “Pre Delay” parameter and you'll be set!

Edit The Group

After editing the “Time” Data Variable our operators may need to reset the variable, we will achieve this by adding a button to the parameter.

  1. Add a button group and name it

Within the content tree, click the Add button next to your “Time” parameter and choose the Button element and rename it to “Reset Time”.

  1. Set the button's alignment

We also want this button to be a bit bigger, so navigate to the Alignment section within the button's Properties Panel and choose the Fill option.

  1. Locate the button's On click function

Now let's take care of our button's functionality, since all it can do right now is display a warning and that's not what we want!

Navigate to the On click property of our button within it's Properties Panel and click the drop down next to it. This will open the Select Action dialog.

Note: There are a lot of different Actions and you will learn more about them later. Or if you can't wait just try them out right now!

  1. Set the button's On click function

We want to edit the “Time” Data Variable, so select the Write Data Variable action from the Select Action dialog. The Choose Data Variable dialog will open automatically, so select the Quickstart > Moulding > Vacuum > Time Data Variable and confirm.

  1. Set reset value

Now you can choose to which value you would like to set the “Time” Data Variable when an operator clicks the “Reset Time” button. Since we always want to reset the variable to the same value, we will select a static value and set it to “0”. And you’re done!

  1. Let’s try out your new reset button!

Activate Test Mode above the HMI Preview Panel and click the “Reset Time” button! The variable within the Numeric Stepper of your “Time” parameter should now be “0”.

Try manipulating the “Time” Data Variable using the Numeric Stepper and resetting the changes with your new button.

Is it working? Amazing! 🤩

  1. Challenge

Goal: Make your parameter group collapsible

Our operators won’t need to edit these details all the time, so we want to safe some space on the parameter page and make this group collapsible.

So, set the “Details” parameter group to collapsible!

Tip: You might want to have a look at the parameter group’s Properties Panel!

Note: When a parameter group is collapsible, our operators will be able to expand or collapse the parameters within that group at will.

Check Your Result

Time to validate your own result against this screenshot. Make sure that you have included all the necessary elements in your HMI. 👉

Mission accomplished!

You're ready to move on to the next step!