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4. Set up a Collection Page

Now that you've learned how to set up any parameter page you need, let's add some more pages to our HMI. In this step we will be adding a CollectionPage to display a list of tools.

4.1 Create a »Tools« Page

  1. Add a new page

If you've been following along, you probably know how to add another page already.

Navigate to the pages section in your HMI Content Tree, and click the Add button to bring up the Add Element dialog.

  1. Choose a page type

Choose Collection Page from this list to add a new page to your HMI.

  1. Rename the page

Within this Collection Page we want to display a list of our tools, so let's change its title to "Tools".

  1. Adjust the page icon

The pages has an icon by default which already works. But let's be a little more specific and use an icon of a tool instead, for example the the "Router Bit 1" icon. This way, our operators will later be able to identify the tools page at the first glance!

4.2 Connect Your List

At the moment our new page still looks pretty empty, so we should probably fill it in. If you take a look at the Data Source group in the Properties Panel, you'll see that HELIO is actually highlighting what this page is missing by coloring the List property in orange.

  1. Connect a list

Click the Choose Data Record button of the List property and select the Quickstart > Tools list from the dialog, then confirm.

HELIO displays a table of tools with data based on the Item Blueprint of the "Tools" list. The blueprint contains four properties: an id, a name, a material and the remaining cycles.

HELIO uses this meta data to create four columns in our "Tools" table and sets the titles according to the names of the blueprint's properties. You can edit this table any way you like, we'll get to that in a second.

4.3 Adjust the Properties

Expand the new page in the HMI Content Tree. You'll discover that a Collection Page has three slots: Properties, Detail and a Footer. For now, we'll focus on the Properties slot that lets us customize the columns that will be displayed in the tools table of the page.

  1. Move the Name property to the left

Our operators are going to identify the tools by their names, so let's display the Name property as the first column and make it stand out visually.

Within the content tree, drag the Name property to the top of the Properties slot. HELIO will change the table layout straight away so the "Name" column should now be the first one.

  1. Make the property stand out visually

Since we want this property to stand out visually let's change the width of this column. Navigate to the Column Width section in the Properties Panel and set the width to relative and its weight to 3. Now the "Tool Name" column should be wider than the others!

To make this column stand out even more, let's check the Emphasize value checkbox within the Appearance section in the Properties Panel.

Note: You can also remove Properties or add new ones! Visit Collection Page to learn more.

4.4 Add a Detail View

You can add a Detail view to your Collection Page to show or edit the details of the tool you've selected. HELIO provides all the properties of the selected entry to the elements on that detail view using the Data Variable (Dynamic Property). In our use case we'll choose a simple Parameter Page and a few inputs to to let operators edit the Remaining cycles of each tool.

  1. Add a Detail view

Navigate to the Detail section of our collection page and click the Add button next to it. Since our operators will need to edit and save some values, let's pick the element Parameter Page with Manual Saving. This is a preset of a parameter page, which already has a Reset and a Save button integrated in the footer, so its exactly what we need! Let's rename the page to "Tool Page".

  1. Challenge
    Fill the Detail view

Challenge Steps

  • Our detail page is empty right now, so let's see if you still remember how to set up a parameter page to change that.
  • Our operators will need to know which tool they are editing. So, add a Parameter With Icon, choose a fitting name and icon for it and add two outputs to this parameter. One should display the name and one the id. Both should have fitting labels.
  • We will need another parameter to be able to edit the tools's "Remaining cycles". So, add another parameter, give it a name and add a way to edit the "Remaining cycles" data variable.

Your content tree should look now like this:

Tip: Need some help with this challenge? Go back to 3. Set up a Parameter Page.

Check Your Result

Time to validate your result against these screenshots. Make sure that you have included all the necessary elements in your HMI. 👉

Mission accomplished!

Looks good? Then you're ready to move on to the next step!